⚬ The RICS Guidance Note ‘Assessing viability in planning
under the NPPF 2019’ (1st edition) March 2021, the PPG (Viability)
(as amended May 2019) and the RICS Professional Statement ‘Financial Viability in planning: conduct and reporting’ (May 2019) all set out the parameters of a viability appraisal.
⚬ As planning reforms continue to be discussed, we continue to prepare and submit a wide range of viability appraisals. These are all carried out in full conformity with the current requirements. We are also involved in responding to consultations on proposed changes.
⚬ We provide detailed assessments of a wide variety of schemes, including those for 100% affordable housing delivery. We assess each element and aim to secure a viable conclusion to ensure that the proposed development can actually be delivered.
⚬ We have over 25 years of experience of property development and apply that knowledge to each viability assessment. We understand how development must be viable if it is to be delivered.
⚬ Viability assessments are used at various stages of planning applications, land promotion and in seeking to vary existing s.106 agreements/planning conditions.
⚬ We advise landowners, developers and councils providing detailed and pragmatic assessments, aiming for a solution and not an agreement that will be a major hurdle for the development scheme.
⚬ As the property market and the wider economy change so too does the viability of development. Recent significant increases in development costs have coincided with a decline in house price inflation. The combination of these factors is leading to significant reductions in viability. We advocate challenging viability now.
⚬ As planning reforms may well lead to a future of non-negotiable levy, we advocate challenging viability now.